5 Tricks To Get More Likes on Facebook


There are over 1.65 billion users on Facebook per month. If you are trying to reach your target market online, chances are they are on Facebook – waiting for your brand to make a strong impression. This is why nearly half of digital marketers view Facebook as one of their key promotion platforms.

If you include this number, you probably scratch your head about what ticks the Facebook community. What is the secret to make the brand more fun and exposed? Here are 7 of the best tips you can take into account:

1. Include Social Buttons on Your Site

The first thing is to have plugins that make you like and share on social media if you already have a blog or corporate website. You need to discover on your website your Facebook profile and other promotional platforms. This will encourage you to keep in touch with your audience and be more open to your promotions.

There are plenty of plugins on your website to assist you in including social applications. You can use a tool like Facebook for Developers’ Page Plugin on your main page. You may use the Like Button for such entries. Both tools help you increase Facebook likes and shares of Facebook likes while retaining the public on your blog.

2. Include your Facebook profile with Searchable Information

The optimization of your Facebook page details can also boost the discovery capabilities of your company. From profile images to descriptions, every aspect of your page should help build the identity of your brand. Also, please be sure to include as much information as possible when it comes to the description of your page.

Consider what a public wants to know if they want to get in touch with you. Your main web site — you should consider all of the phone numbers, business addresses, etc. You can find the necessary fields to fill in your business information if you first create your Facebook page.

Note that for Facebook pages there are both short and long descriptions. It is best to be straightforward for the short description. Enter what you are doing, add a CTA and the full URL of your website. Provide a concise summary of your business, a link to your website as well as all other information describing your company for the long description.

3. Promote Facebook Offline

It may be more convenient to promote your Facebook online, but you should not skip the chance of promoting your Facebook page offline. Make sure your Facebook page contains the short URL of your company if you have access to physical marketing content such as business cards, posters, in-store signals, and product packaging.

Make sure that you change and brand your Facebook page URL. It would also be easier to recall it for your audience. Another great technique is the development of a customized QR barcode for your web. You can check your code easily from your audience and access your Facebook page on your mobile device directly. To do so, a free tool like this generator of QR code from QRStuff.com can be used.

4. Invite People You Know

Users on Facebook connect more frequently with a page they’ve always enjoyed. This is a type of “social proof” that increases your confidence and reputation. However, you would have a hard time trying to create a social following if your Facebook profile is zero.

As a business, your current community likes your Facebook page to solve this problem fast. This includes the staff, business associates, and business networks. One easy way is to send an e-mail with the link to your page and a brief personal appreciation letter.

On your Facebook page, you can also benefit from the “Invite Friends” feature. You can quickly improve your profile. It might not be too many, but in the future even some people will inspire a huge social follow-up.

5. Promote Engaging Content

In Facebook marketing, the expression, “build it and it’ll come.” You must also make additional efforts to create content to provide your audience with precious knowledge and more followers. Please note that this is traditionally accomplished by creating the blog post and sharing the Facebook connection. Today, on Facebook itself, you can use Instant Posts.

You have to remember a few items to encourage great material. In your content strategy, you can include visual content including photos, infographics, and videos as these are enough to catch the attention of the viewer. Research shows that up to 94% more views are available with corresponding photos than text posts. You should suggest stock images of websites such as Pixabay.com and Shutterstock if you do not have access to branded visual content.

In addition, maintain clear promotion. It’s fine anywhere from once to three times a week. It depends on whether updates are available. You should know the best time to promote your posts in order to reap the full benefits. You can view Facebook Page Insights for information about your most engaged audience.

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