7 Tips for Improving a Weak TV Signal


Persistent pixelation of your free view signal or its failure altogether can be extremely frustrating. This is often caused by a weak TV signal, and most probably, you may be seeing the “no signal” or “weak signal” on your TV screen. Read on to get insight into what you can do to bolster your TV signal. 

However, before we delve into the details of strengthening a weak TV signal, it’s worth noting that poor TV reception can be attributed to other factors besides weak signal. Your TV signal may still be strong, but with digital TV, any issue with the signal will prompt the TV picture to divide up, resulting from other things, such as interference and defective equipment. Now that this has been pointed out let’s switch gears and focus on key tips for improving a weak TV signal. 

Place the Aerial Outside

If you’re experiencing a weak signal and your aerial is installed inside your home, it would be appropriate to shift it outside. The position outside the house where you place it is also critical, and in this case roof is the ideal choice. That way, you’ll have ample height with minimal interference. When positioned inside, the signal must move through the roof and layers of insulation that causes disruption, further destabilizing the signal. This is undoubtedly the first DIY approach suggested whenever you encounter problems with images, sound, or a couple of channels. However, this can be a risky undertaking that can result in falls and injuries, especially if you’re not an expert in TV aerial installation. For that reason, contact professional aerial installers in Southend to undertake the installation, particularly if it is a higher house. 

Locate it as high as Possible

If there is still no significant change after moving it outside, you possibly need to elevate it further. If your house is surrounded by very tall buildings, then your roof is not that high as well. Various natural barriers, such as trees and mountains, can also be a challenge. Consider placing it on a chimney or even putting a bracket on the chimney to elevate the aerial further. Also, ensure the bracket has the potential to hold the antenna even in adverse weather conditions, or else it will fall and hurt your roof. If you lack the necessary expertise and equipment to mount your aerial as high as possible, hire aerial installation Southend professionals, and they will help you get it done without posing any safety concerns. 

Search for Interference

Suppose you still don’t get a desirable signal even after doing as advised, and there are no notable obstacles around your home that might be disrupting the signal. In that case, there is a possibility that various home devices are destabilizing your signal. In that case, you need to identify these appliances and where they are based. Anything that generates electromagnetic radiation can possibly destabilize your TV signal. This could even be caused by LED lights. Therefore, move away from the antenna any appliances that could be weakening the signal.

Install Protections

There are unique devices that protect against power rise, and you likely have them on your PC. Also, it would be great to have them on the antenna. It is impossible that you will always be at home whenever thunder strikes and that you will be able to switch off the power supply to the antenna. Sometimes, you may want to watch a program even when thunder is striking. As a result of a power surge stemming from lightning or any other unforeseen fluctuation in voltage, the antenna will be damaged. Although it may not be damaged in totality, it can be destroyed to the extent that it can weaken your signal. And most probably, you won’t tell whether it is the cause as you will tend to blame it on other things.

Position it Facing Broadcast Towers

If you’re unable to tell where broadcast towers are based, worry no more as there are multiple sites online that can help you establish the location of nearly all broadcast towers. They also provide guidelines on how antennas should be positioned. In addition, you can search for the location of the broadcast towers in your region while you weigh on which antenna model is best suited for your needs. In doing so, you’ll get insight into how far from you are the most valued broadcast towers based and which antenna model will provide access to most channels and high-quality pictures. 

Acquire an Amplifier

An amplifier is another effective way to boost the strength of your poor TV signal. You should only consider acquiring an amplifier after you have tried all the methods discussed above and all have failed to produce the desired results. Amplifiers are available in a variety of types, and determining which is appropriate for your case will lie squarely on your needs and the location of your aerial. There are varied opinions on where it should be placed, but most agree that it should not be placed far away from the aerial so that the signal remains strong and maintains its power. 

Use Shorter Cables

Perhaps your antenna might have no issues, but the problem could stem from lengthy cables, which you acquired in order to elevate the aerial to a reasonable height. The signal tends to deteriorate with the increase in cable length, which can be a concern. However, it is definitely beneficial to have it positioned as high as possible. There is a need to balance the cable’s length and how far you intend to raise the antenna. 

Final Thoughts

This is an issue that will give you a nightmare since it will regularly disrupt you whenever you intend to watch the program of choice. Therefore, you need to work on it as quickly as possible, and most of these tips, when used jointly, can gently enhance the situation. 

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