Top 5 Benefits of Composite Dental Bonding Treatment


Your smile is one of the most impressive things people notice when they meet you. No one wants any deformity or abnormality associated with their dentition. This is why we all hope for and want clean, even teeth. As much as we all want a smile of perfection, there are still some instances where people have crooked, chipped, broken or even missing tooth. If this is your case, do not worry, thanks to technology, various treatment options have been made available to correct that smile of yours. One of such treatment is composite dental bonding.

Composite dental bonding is a procedure whereby a composite resin material is applied to the teeth and hardened with a curing light. This material is tooth-coloured and blends well with your teeth after it has been hardened by the LED curing light. This procedure requires expertise, and as such, you need the expert services of reputed dental clinics that would evaluate the pros and cons before undergoing the procedure.

Benefits of dental bonding

Composite dental bonding offers a wide range of benefits over some other dental procedures and is more so for those with minor dental problems. Below are some of the benefits associated with getting a dental bonding.

  1. It is safe for everyone

Before the introduction of dental bonding, some dental problems were solved with silver fillings. Over time, this caused a chemical leak and was discovered to be harmful to the body. These days, dental bonding has solved that problem. The tooth-coloured material used for dental bonding is biocompatible and totally safe. You do not have to worry about chemical leaks in the future. 

Also, the procedure bonds the material perfectly to the teeth, sealing it off completely from germs and infection. You can walk into any of our clinics here in London to have your silver fillings replaced with strong, durable and safe composite bonding.

  1. It is cost-effective

One of the most important benefits of getting a composite dental procedure is its cost-effectiveness. It is a better choice with regards to cost, as opposed to some other dental procedures like dental crowns and veneers. Dental treatments and procedures have since become more affordable due to people’s increasing interests in their dental health. What makes it better is the fact that the treatments and costs of most dental procedures are covered by several dental insurance policies.

  1. It is aesthetically beneficial

One of the reasons why people go for composite dental bonding is its aesthetic benefit. The composite material gets to be the same colour as the patient’s teeth. This way, even the person right next to you will never be able to tell that it is a bonding process. It’s mostly preferred for minor cases like filling of holes and making your smile brighter and more even.

  1. It does not require much time

Compared to other dental procedures like dental crowns, composite dental procedures requires less time to carry out. It can be done in one appointment and does not require complex dental procedures, as it can even be done in a dentist’s office. It is a simple dental process that does not even require a trip to the dental laboratory or require the services of an orthodontist. 

It is especially helpful and recommended for those who do not have the patience for time-consuming dental procedures, but also need correction with their minor dental problems.

  1. It does not affect the enamel

Some dental procedures can affect the enamel, either during the process or afterwards. Porcelain veneers, for example, requires prep work to be done on the enamel before the procedure itself. Composite dental bonding, on the other hand, does not require any prep work, neither does it affect your enamel in the long run. When you come in for a composite dental procedure, the dentist will clean your teeth, and the composite resin material will be applied to your teeth and shaped the way it is meant to be. Afterwards, the curing light is applied to harden the material.

Composite dental bonding does not need to be replaced; neither does it require repairs over time. You also do not have to worry about any damage to the enamel.

Caring for Your Teeth After Dental Bonding Procedure

It has been established that with dental bonding, you do not have to worry about replacements or damage to the enamel. However, this does not mean you should not take care of your bonding as you would your normal teeth. Below are some tips to keep your bonding as healthy and in good shape as your teeth.

  • Brush at least twice daily, and especially after meals. Maintaining oral hygiene is important, and even more so after a dental procedure.
  • Avoid smoking or any other activity that could lead to deterioration or discolouration of the teeth
  • Eliminate or limit the consumption of acidic drinks like soda. They soften and dissolve tooth material, leading to holes and cavities
  • Use toothpaste rich in fluoride. This element prevents decay and also hardens the tooth enamel
  • Control or limit the consumption of sugary food and drinks as they cause decay in the tooth
  • Floss and clean with mouthwash daily
  • Avoid stressing the teeth with activities such as breaking materials or opening up bottles. This can cause permanent damage to the teeth
  • Take your appointment with your dentist serious and always visit whenever there is a problem.

Composite dental bonding offers a lasting solution to those with minor dental problems, and for those who do not have time for more time-consuming dental procedures. The benefits associated with this process cannot be overemphasized, and this also includes its cost-effectiveness.

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