Avoid These Three Habits for Longevity and Happiness


Living a long and healthy life is a blessing, and sometimes this blessing seems beyond our control, much of which has to do with certain bad habits that can potentially stop us from living up to old age. For instance, if we don’t care about our physical body as well as  mental and emotional health, it will have an adverse impact on our life.

Before we jump into the list of habits to avoid, we have a disclaimer: some of these habits appear normal and safe, but the truth is that they are not. Some of the habits can also be hard to quit, but if one’s determination is strong enough, they can eventually get to the point where they can successfully quit their bad habits and replace them with healthier ones.

Food Addiction

Many people allow their feelings and urges to dictate the course of their lives; especially, their relationship with food. We all have been there: we feel stressed and start taking out our emotions on food. When we are bored, we start binge eating. Sometimes, when we feel excited, we crave food.

The truth is that many people use food or eat food as a momentary escape from their present life. Often, food has nothing to do with whether we are really hungry or not. Food addiction seems to be a habit that has been developed over time, and the worst part is that food addiction  works like any other form of addiction.

Besides, the people who have this habit of binge eating or stress eating often don’t know that they have a problem. While consuming food might appear safe, there is an innate link between longevity and the ratio of calorie intake. A reduction in calorie intake can potentially boost the lifespan of an individual.

Any time your emotions are high, and you find yourself craving food, you should pay attention to yourself, be mindful, and put an end to this habit. Binge eating or stress eating only brings temporary relief. It doesn’t matter the amount of food you consume as a distraction; after a while, your present reality will come back to haunt you.

Chronic Stress

Another common habit that gnaws at people’s lives is that they allow chronic stress to settle deeply into their system. Giving in to worry is dangerous as it works as a slow poison, which is why it is essential to learn stress management skills to avoid stress from creating circumstances that can lead to a perpetual cycle of worry and discomfort to the point that you might find it hard to sleep.

Sleep is essential to keep a fresh and clear outlook on life. You can overcome stress by making certain lifestyle changes. That said, make sure that your bedroom is cozy and comfy. You might want to check out this bed size chart before you upgrade your bedroom.

For instance, if you worry about financial issues, you could start living within your means and avoid any form of debt. But, if you are in debt already, you ought to do your research, seek professional help, and stick to a debt repayment plan.

It is recommended to break away from toxic relationships and pay attention to things and people that actually bring you joy for improved mental health. One of the essential reasons that people feel lost in life is that they lack aim or purpose.

That said, set achievable goals and work every day towards them. Numerous research has shown that people live happier when they have goals to live for. It is equally important to explore your skills, such as writing, painting, and singing, so you have something to occupy yourself with during your idle time.

Life presents everyone with two basic life options: successes and failures. How people manage to handle both options determines how fulfilled and happy they are. Sometimes, a negative mindset is an underlying cause of chronic stress.

A positive mindset learns lessons from failures and figures out how to turn a bad situation into a good one. A positive mindset also knows when to let go and how to dwell on the positive things that life has to offer.

Avoiding Workout

The pandemic has affected our lifestyle and caused us to lead a sedentary lifestyle. However, we might be spending more time inside than outside; we are doing no good to our bodies by sitting still, glued to our laptop or smartphone screens.

You can stop this habit by making it a priority to make your body sweat; if you don’t want to hit the gym, don’t. All you need to do is to indulge in a 10 to 20 minutes workout session at home. You can also go for a run – the underlying goal is to get your body moving.

Routine exercise doesn’t only boost your health but also adds extra years to your life. People who shun workout are prone to different kinds of illnesses. If you haven’t been exercising your body for too long, we recommend visiting your doctor and seeking their advice before indulging in vigorous workout sessions.

But, in the meantime, you will do yourself good by engaging in simple exercises, such as jogging, cycling, and brisk walking. Trust us when we tell you that the only one who is keeping you from you is you! Take the plunge today and be the change you always dreamed of being!

Final Thoughts

As you might have already guessed, some of the habits mentioned above can drain you emotionally, mentally, and physically without you realizing what hit you. But, in all, there is a great possibility that these bad habits are the only barrier standing in your way to longevity and happiness. Constant neglect of good practices can stop you from enjoying good health and might even cause depression, preventing you from living your life to the fullest. It doesn’t matter whether you are 18 or 70; it’s never too late to make a change, drop your bad habits, and start living a better and healthier life.

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