Boris Johnson’s oldest son Milo Arthur bio


Early Life

Milo was born in 1995 making him the second eldest child and the first boy of Boris Johnson and Marina Wheeler. There is very little information about Milo’s private life but it is said that he loved sports and learning.

Milo Arthur, 26, was educated at the £27,174 a year Westminster Schoolwhere he was said to excel at sports, particularly football and cricket.

He was described as a “delight to watch” and “without doubt the player of the season” in the 2011 issue of his school magazine for his football skills.

After school he studied at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies and he graduated in 2014.

Having graduated he took up a five-month internship at men’s magazine Esquire Middle East, based in Dubai.


He can speak Arabic, Russian and French, according to his LinkedIn page.

When his mum Wheeler announced she was leaving Johnson, after his infidelity came to light, he was spotted helping her clear out the family home.

Milo has three full siblings, older sister Lara Lettice, younger sister Cassia Peaches and a younger brother Theodore Apollo.


Milo’s siblings include Lara Lettice, who is now a writer, editor and broadcaster; Cassia Peaches who was a student editor whilst at Highgate school; and Theodore Apollo who currently studies at Cambridge University.

Who is Milo Arthur’s mother Marina Wheeler?

Johnson married barrister Marina after divorcing his first wife Allegra Mostyn-Owen.

They went on to have four children together.

Her dad is BBC correspondent Sir Charles Wheeler and her mum is his Indian wife Dip Singh.

Wheeler was educated at the European School of Brussels before studying at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

While at the European School she became friendly with Johnson.

Johnson and Wheeler married on May 8, 1993 – supposedly 12 days after his first divorce.

Milo attended a £27,174 a year Westminster School where he developed a love for sports. In fact, Milo was described as a “delight to watch” and “without doubt the player of the season” in the 2011 issue of his school magazine for his football ability. After this he studied at the London School of Oriental and African Studies which prompted him to complete a five-month internship at Esquire in the Middle East.

Leading on from his cultural education, Milo is known to speak French, Russian and Arabic – very impressive!

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