CategoryStreet Fashion

Hardia Adidas fans queue the night for limited edition trainer


Last night, over 50 people lined up to win stripes in the icy rain-a pair of brand new Adidas Originals. Sneaker enthusiasts faced the freezing cold and rain with deck chairs and blankets to secure a limited edition Stuttgart in Birmingham, West Mid. The sneaker head spent the night on a deck chair under the broly to get a rare trainer. Adidas Stuttgart-named after the capital of Baden...

Do Daith Piercings Really Aid Migraine Relief?


Daith piercings are the cutest new must-haves. Aside from being a fun little way to bling out your ear, though, daith piercings have a somewhat odd reputation as a cure-all for severe migraines. Whether it’s witchcraft or something to do with hitting the perfect acupuncture spot repeatedly, it’s heavily suggested that if you get this piercing, your migraines will disappear like magic...

Hairstyles You Should Never Consider


Nothing can turn your day around like a new haircut. I don’t care how low-maintenance you are; a good haircut changes you. At the same time, a bad haircut can suddenly make you question everything about yourself. There is not, however, one single haircut that looks amazing on absolutely everyone. A good stylist takes into account your hair type, face shape, and lifestyle when coming up with...

You Should Definitely Avoid Drugstore Makeup


Beauty lovers can use drugstore makeup products to get glammed up. By no means do makeup consumers need to drop hundreds of dollars on high-end beauty products. It’s completely possible to get a red carpet-worthy look using only stuff found in the aisles of the local Walgreens or Rite Aid, and there are plenty of YouTube makeup gurus out there who will show you how it’s done. But how...

9 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Beach Day


If girls want to learn how bad style feels like, they should focus on cut-out swimsuits having string ties that are waiting for a disaster. Your skin has multiple layers of makeup. Your wet hair is tangling with long earrings. The bikini bottoms are too-skimpy and cover-ups getting inside the hip lines. provides sufficient support to avoid all these bad things. It suggests girls wear...

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