Elements of successful package design


Everybody wants to package their products and there’s nothing wrong with that. Yes, packaging protects products and make it easier for customers to carry the product. The value of packaging is more than protection. Packaging can be used as part of the selling points of a product. A successful package design may be the difference between a successful product and an unsuccessful product in the market. Apart from machinery like cars that aren’t packaged, others need packaging. Packaging when done right, is equivalent to the art and science behind the psychology of purchase. In this article, we will be discussing the elements of successful package design.

Let the package do the “pick me”

A successful package design must sell itself to the buyers before they see the product in it. A box manufacturer knows this and will infuse this into the package design. A successful package design will consist of the necessary information that it needs to communicate some values to the buyers. Such a package will let the buyers know the unique selling proposition (USP) of the product without opening it. The graphics, shape, texture and colour of the package contributes to the psychology push that moves the buyer to pick your product. Your box doesn’t necessarily have to be the most decorated but let it shout at the buyers and when they move closer to it, let the information on the box convince them further. Just make sure the products are well-packaged so that they won’t fall off easily.


We have touched this a little in the first point but we need to add more. Everybody loves Coca Cola design on the brand’s bottles or cans. That’s what a brilliant work of typography can do to your packaging. Small or illegible fonts will chase away your customers. Buyers don’t want stress so don’t play font hide-and-seek with your buyers. If you have neat designed typographic elements on your packaging, they will look at it and want to know more. For them to know more about the product, they buy it so that they can experience it. It’s just a simple psychology trick.


Colour is very important and you need to be careful while choosing it. It isn’t stated in any constitution that pink is for ladies but brands and celebrities have made the world believe that pink is for females. Another example is the red and white of Coca Cola brand. It speaks for them and people love it. You just have to pick some colours and stick to them. There’s room for rebranding but let your customers know beforehand so that they won’t discard the new colours as fake products. You can pick colours for your product based on up-to-date marketing standards. You can even run a survey on what your consumers want. These three entities are the key elements of a successful package design. If you want a box manufacturer that can infuse all these elements precisely into your package, the Art of Packaging is your best choice. Contact us now and let’s give your product the best packaging design that fits it.

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