How Is Plastic Made?


There are over eight billion tons of plastic in our world today. And, more and more are produced every day.

But, what actually are plastics? And how is plastic made?

We’ve got the information you need. Read on to learn how plastic is made.

What Are Plastics?

First, you need to understand what plastics are. Plastics are materials that come from different polymers. This makes them easy to mold, so they can be formed into a wide variety of products.

There are both synthetic and natural plastics, which come from different materials. Some types of plastics are thermoplastics. These are plastics that get soft if they’re exposed to heat. There are also thermosets, plastics that will not get softer when heated.

How is Plastic Made?

Plastic comes from processing raw materials. Some of the materials plastic can come from include natural gas, some types of plants, and mined oils. These materials are then refined until they become ethane and propane.

Then, these propane products have to be turned into polymers. Some of the options include addition polymerization or condensation polymerization.

After the materials have processed, it requires compounding. The plastics melt together and turn into pellets or powders. They can then enter processing through molding or extrusion.

Once the process is complete, companies can shape plastic into different parts. For example, you can get power-core plastic components.

Plastics Benefits

Plastic is helpful for our society in a lot of ways. Plastic doesn’t need to replaced as often as different materials, since it isn’t susceptible to rotting, rust, or corrosion. Plastic is also waterproof, which is helpful for coating things that may end up in the rain or snow.

Because plastic is inert, it can be used to package a lot of different products that can’t interact with certain chemicals. That’s why pill bottles are usually made out of plastic. 

Plastic lasts a long time, so our infrastructure can go longer without maintenance and there’s less risk of something important breaking down suddenly.

The Dangers of Plastics

Plastics might be convenient, but they do pose a danger to our planet. Plastic production can damage delicate ecosystems, and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

Plastic isn’t biodegradable, and animals can’t digest it. So, when it’s not recycled, it builds up in our landfills. However, some scientists are working on creating biodegradable plastics, so that we can reap the benefits of plastic without all of the environmental hazards that come with them. 

Plastic can also be dangerous to our health. Companies make plastic out of materials that can let out toxins, Exposure to these toxins can cause health problems like cancer. 

How Is Plastic Made? Now You Know

Now that you know the answers to how is plastic made, it’s time to answer some of your other science questions.

Do you need more advice? Some of the other informative articles on this blog may be helpful for you. 

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