How Can Hybrid App Development be Carried Out Using AngularJS and Ionic Together?


The comprehensive web experience is incomplete without mobile applications. With all the ease and sense of effortlessness mobile apps offer, they have certainly become a significant part of our lives.

These mobile apps come in different types, including Native app development, Hybrid mobile app development, and web apps. Each one owns its own set of advantages and disadvantages over its counterpart. 

Hybrid apps have been much in the buzz lately. And adding more to our surprise, two frameworks, namely, AngularJS and Ionic can be used together to make hybrid app development more productive. 

We will shed more light on how they can be used for hybrid app development in this write-up.

But, the first step is to get an idea of how hybrid app development is different from Native and Web apps. 

How are Hybrid Apps Different From Native and Web Apps?

Talking about Native apps first, they are built specifically for a particular platform. This restrains them from working on any other operating system. 

They have the permission to access a device’s hardware such as the camera, sensors, etc. 

Mobile web apps, in contrast, are not required to be downloaded from app stores. They are easy to update, as well. They, however, cannot access the mobile device’s functions. 

Hybrid apps have characteristics of both native and web apps. While they are downloaded from app stores and can access the device’s functions like native apps, they use a browser like web apps. 

Advantages of Hybrid Apps

There are various benefits associated with hybrid applications usage. Some primary ones are:

  • Accessibility to the mobile phone’s hardware and features.
  • Ability to work across multiple devices. 
  • Faster and cost-effective development. 
  • Easy to maintain and change simply by upgrading web pages. 
  • Can be used offline during situations with no connection or unstable internet access. 
  • Faster performance in comparison to web apps. 

All these benefits can be availed by using AngularJS and Ionic for hybrid app development. 

Let’s see how!



Launched in 2009, AngularJS is the tech giant, Google’s creation. It is a JavaScript framework that comes with two-way data binding to save time and effort on the developer’s end for writing lengthy and repetitive codes. 

AngularJS has the capability to integrate components on its own. 


Originated in 2013, Ionic is a free and open-source user interface (UI) toolkit. It helps developers with hybrid mobile app development by making use of standard web technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. 

Ionic drives innovation by allowing anyone and everyone to create apps for both commercial and personal use. 

How to Benefit Hybrid App Development Using AngularJS and Ionic Together?

More Use of Ionic

The Ionic framework is known to make the app development process simpler and easier. The apps developed using Ionic can work well on desktop, tablets, computers, and many more platforms. 

The requirement to develop apps using the Ionic framework includes Node and npm environments by downloading the LTS version of Nodejs, a code editor such as Visual Studio Code, Command-Line Interface/terminal (CLI), Ionic CLI installed globally with npm, and Cordova installed globally.

Further, to be sure about how your app is performing, you need to check it. You can use Ionic CLI’s live reload functionality to test your new app. 

Once done and dusted with the making and testing, it is time to try the app to see if it performs seamlessly and the desired way on all platforms. You can use mobile testing platforms to carry out these tests. 

Reuse Application Logic 

The combined use of Ionic and AngularJS for hybrid app development lets users keep the logic of their web application different from the UI along with the data model. 

As a result, developers, while reusing the application logic on multiple gadgets and OS, are allowed to change the UI for different platforms.

One App for Different Platforms

Writing codes individually for all platforms is another level of hassle. Developers had no option but to write codes for iOS, Android, and Windows operating systems separately. 

But hybrid app development using Ionic and AngularJS has changed the scenario. There is just one codebase used to make applications run effectively and efficiently on multiple devices and platforms. 

The businesses now can not just develop an app faster, but can also launch it and take it forward with the same speed. 

You have to make sure that your app works perfectly on each platform. This can be done by previewing the app beforehand for the functions and elements. 

Three-Way Data Binding is a Good Option

Three-way data binding implies constant updates in the UI, model, and back-end data. 

Whenever there is a modification in the software, the updates come up automatically in the UI. 

The data of users is complete over devices with the sync among UI, in-memory data, and back-end service data.

UI Components

If you decide to make significant use of Ionic, you can use its components to build your app’s interactive UI (User Interface). 

There are a bunch of default styles available to choose from. You can customize them to come up with appealing designs matching your business’ profile.

Final Words

The integration of Ionic and AngularJS for hybrid app development can do unimaginable wonders. 

All you have to do is look for the right partner, i.e., a suitable hybrid app development agency to carry the things forward with you, for you!

Both AngularJS and Ionic together can make the development easier, faster, and cost-effective for your businesses, along with allowing users to enjoy the best of web experience.

Wait no more, and make the best out of this union!

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