Katie Price hits back at speculation and says son Harvey is ‘never going into care’


Katie Price said her eldest son, Harvey, will “never go into care.”

Ahead of her new BBC One documentary Katie Price: Harvey & Me airing tonight, which details the journey of her finding a residential college for her disabled son, the mum-of-five joined presenters Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby on This Morning.

Talking about the documentary, Katie, 42, said: “Strip me back, my career and who I am, obviously I’ve done reality shows for 20 years, which are completely different to documentaries.

“I’ve been asked to do documentaries before on Harvey, but I’m like, ‘for what reason? To see how he kicks off…’ So I thought no.

“So when the BBC came to me, it was a woman called Hannah and years ago she was actually a tea girl on one of my shows and now she’s the producer-director. Because she knew Harvey and actually knew behind the scenes what goes on, I said, ‘well, how would you want to structure it?’ And I said, ‘Now that he’s turned 18, I am looking for a college and that could be a way of doing a documentary to help educate other mums out there… I wanted it to be more realistic, what it’s like… the challenges.

“It’s not about sympathy, it’s a quiet, nice documentary about me and Harvey doing the transitional move about him going to college.”

The former glamour model added: “It just shows you the daily challenges I have with him. I know there was speculation about him going into care, he’s never going into care… I think people get going into care and residential… they are very different.

“Residential, for him, it gives him a chance to be an adult, get independent life skills and not just try and rely on me all the time. He deserves it.

“I’m trying to look for a 52-week placement for him. Because some weekends, he makes friends and they want to go to the cinema or go bowling, he might not want to come to me. So it gives him the option to come to me or socialise with his friends and excel in his skills. Just to be a man basically.”

Katie said: “Anyone watching, and they have a child with complex needs, I have to say he’s a man now because he doesn’t like it if I say he’s a boy, there’s lots of colleges but there’s a checklist and you tick off what complex needs he’s got.

“So when I do that for Harvey it only dwindles it down to about four different colleges, so it gets really difficult and anyone out there who’s watching and you’re going through the same thing, their personal care plan is one of the most important things to fill out because that will affect him for placements, and you’ll see the challenges in the documentary.

“Because I didn’t know anything about what I would have to fill out, it was really challenging for me and I’m not really good with technology, filling out forms online and I’m like, ‘oh my God, how am I going to do all this?’

“But you do get help for it all and thank God the doctors, social people, occupational therapists, the school, everyone gets involved and it’s a big journey but it’s worth it for the end, just be patient, you want to get the right college for your child.

“Because I’m scared, you hear stories about sectioning and stuff and I’m like, ‘oh my God, that is a different thing that I didn’t even know about either’.”

Talking about Harvey’s triggers at home, Katie detailed: “If anyone sneezes, you’re waiting to see what is flying across the room.

“Slamming of the doors or even if there’s a programme on telly that he’s not even watching and it ends, and adverts on the internet, they are the four main things.

“I actually said to Junior and Princess, ‘are you going to watch Harvey tonight?’ and they went, ‘why do we need to watch him mum, we live and breathe him, we know what he’s about.’ And I’m like, ‘fair enough.’

“We are just so used to him. It’s like when I watched it back, other people are like, ‘oh my God, it’s really good, I can’t believe your relationship’ but because I’m used to him I don’t really know any different so it’ll be an eye-opener for everyone else, but I’m used to Harvey and he can be challenging if you don’t know how to deal with him.”

On how she feels about Harvey going to college, Katie revealed: “It breaks my heart, I hate it. The fact is, he’s residential now, even though he’s not there because of Covid, it’s an hour away but these colleges I’m looking at are three, four hours away. So if he calls me on his iPad, like he does, and goes, ‘mum, I need you, I need you now’ it’s not just a quick trip up the road.”

Katie added: “But then everyone says, ‘Kate, he’s in the best place. Look what he’s got there, look what he’s going to learn.’ So I can’t be selfish, because I never even wanted him to go to residential, it’s just the doctors, the teachers and my mum who were like, ‘Kate, he will so benefit from going residential.’… So he’s been there a year and a half and he absolutely loves it, because I made it home-from-home.”

Katie concluded the interview by discussing how the trolling of Harvey online has led to her campaigning against it.

She said: “Someone is going to court this month, they’ve been prosecuted… We haven’t found the couple, but we’ve found the guy who put the tweet up.

“Now I think if people realise there is something in place, that you will get punished or fined, I do think it will slow down… Harvey gets trolled a lot, I mean loads of people get trolled, but he’s got me behind him and if I can do something about it I will.”

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