Lisa Snowdon: “I’ll always be famous for being George Clooney’s ex”


Lisa Snowdon has now morphed into a style guru-cum-agony aunt in a new TV makeover show with a twist.

She’s a successful model, actress, TV presenter, breakfast show DJ and Strictly Come Dancing finalist.

She’s an ambassador for two charities has launched her own jewellery business, designed a swimwear range and stars in Marks & Spencer’s ad campaign.

Now Lisa Snowdon has morphed into a style guru-cum-agony aunt in a new TV makeover show with a twist.

But down-to earth Lisa is under no illusions about how the world will ultimately remember her. “I’m always going to be George Clooney’s ex,” she says with a shrug and a wry smile.

“I sometimes think it will be written on my tombstone – ‘George Clooney once dated Lisa Snowdon’.

“I will have to do something super-radical for people to forget about it. Goodness knows… I’m definitely too old for Prince Harry!”

Lisa Snowdon had an on-off five-year relationship with Clooney after meeting him on a Martini ad in 2000.

At first the media attention was overwhelming and she resented people suggesting she was dating the star to help her career.

“It really doesn’t bother me any more,” she says. “I’m so used to the ‘George thing’ that I take it all with a pinch of salt. Of course I understand the fascination. George is fit, women love him, yet he’s still a guys’ guy, so people are fascinated by him.

“People actually ask me what he was like in bed… usually after a few drinks have made them brave.

“They are like ‘Seriously, though, how was it? What was he like?’”

Now, I’d promised myself I wouldn’t do this but… “Seriously then, Lisa, how was it? What was he like?”

Her green eyes sparkle and the 41-year-old grins: “I never tell.”

Lisa was spotted by a modelling scout while pole-dancing at a London rave when she was 19. She became one of Britain’s top fashion models, graced the covers of Vogue and Marie Claire, and fronted ad campaigns for the likes of Gucci, Lynx deodorant and Kellogg’s Special K.

Lisa Snowdon was also a judge and host of Britain’s Next Top Model and in 2008 took over from Denise Van Outen as Johnny Vaughan’s co-presenter on London’s Capital radio breakfast show. She still hosts the hit show with Dave Berry.

When we meet she is disarmingly open, warm and great company.

And two decades in the fashion industry have given her a unique eye for style and taught her how clothes can both reveal and transform a woman’s body image.

So she’s the perfect choice to host Your Style In His Hands, a makeover show on new entertainment channel TLC.

A string of brave women who feel frumpy and glum agree to let their husbands chuck out their old clothes, shoes, bags and accessories and buy them an entirely new £5,000 wardrobe to bring back their old sparkle.

Isn’t it all a bit misogynistic, letting blokes glam up partners who’ve “let themselves go”? And don’t they go for a lot of short skirts and high heels?

“It’s actually a very clever concept and goes much deeper than you think,” explains Lisa. “For whatever reason these women have got stuck in a style rut. Yes, they may be new mums, or working all the hours God sends and they just want to get into their old comfy clothes – the comfort blanket.

“But it still chips away at their self-esteem and the boyfriends and husbands have noticed and think ‘I want her to be happy again.’ They just want to find the women they fell in love with again.

“The women are understandably horrified at the prospect of what the men will chose – and they do actually make some hideous mistakes.

“Someone got a slashed Rihanna top with torn hot pants and someone bought a pair of size 8 white satin wedding shoes. I asked ‘Are they for when she divorces you and marries someone else?’ But I help teach them what will suit their partners and show off their figures without resorting to hot pants and boob tubes.”

After watching the show I’m won over.

Some lovely, genuine couples bravely bare their issues and fashion faux pas to help their relationships. And Lisa proves to be a perfect cross between Gok Wan and a marriage guidance counsellor.

“Don’t get me wrong,” she says, “I wouldn’t dress a certain way just to please a guy.

“Men have tried to tell me how to dress and bought me clothes in the past. Sometimes they got it right, sometimes horribly, horribly wrong. They never get underwear right – too skimpy up top, and it’s always red, or red and black…very obvious.”

I can’t imagine gorgeous George ever bought anything tarty – but I don’t ask.

He’ll probably be tuning into the show though as the pair are still friends. When she came third in Strictly in 2008 he rang her and said: “You should have been first.”

She has also said in a previous interview that he’s “not the marrying kind”.

And for the moment neither is Lisa.

In the past she has dated comedian David Walliams, model Paul Sculfor and footballer Jay Bothroyd, but is currently single, and insists her biological clock isn’t ticking very loudly. She says: “When you pass 40 people assume you must be panicking and getting desperate about starting a family. But I’m really not.

“My sister Joanna has two children,” – she shows me pictures on her phone – “they are the cutest things in the world and I love being an auntie.

“I get the best of both worlds. I have full-on time with them and when they’ve worn me out I go “Bye!”.

“I have a great family, loads of great friends and I honestly don’t think there is anything missing from my life.

“I love it and I don’t want to change anything. Maybe in 10 years’ time I might feel different – but not now.”

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