Mum’s fight for action after daughter killed by stalker Trimaan Dhillon


Alice Ruggles was killed by her obsessive ex Trimaan Dhillon – with her brave mum Sue now fighting for more action to be taken when it comes to stalking.

A mother is still fighting for more action to be taking on stalking five years after her daughter was murdered by her obsessive, stalker-ex.

Alice Ruggles was killed by her obsessive ex Trimaan Dhillon, who slit her throat at her Gateshead home after their relationship ended.

In the darkest days after her daughter’s death Sue Hill’s crippling grief was intensified by the fury at discovering that Alice’s life could have been saved if Dhillon’s dangerous stalking behaviour had been recognised and dealt with.

And today on the fifth anniversary of the murder, Sue has opened up to the Newcastle Chronicle on her determination to make sure potentially life-saving lessons are learned from what happened to Alice.

The 60-year-old said: “We were so horrified that something so horrible could happen that easily and it could have been stopped.

“We didn’t want her to die in vain, and in some ways it means her life meant something.

“It’s to do with the type of people we are. You are either someone who says ‘right this is broken let’s try and fix it’. Or you are someone who just whinges about it.

“We have always been people who try and make things work. With my children, whenever anything has not worked we have always found a way out of it.

“Clearly when Alice was killed that wasn’t something we could could fix, but we could apply the same logic to it.”

Northumbria University graduate Alice was subjected to a campaign of stalking and harassment by former soldier Dhillon after their brief but intense relationship came to an end.

Trimaan Dhillon became obsessed with his 24-year-old ex and began to hack into her social media accounts and bombard her with abuse calls, messages and emails.

Then on October 12, 2016, Trimaan Dhillon drove 120 miles from his army barracks in Edinburgh to Alice’s home in Rawling Road, Bensham, Gateshead, where he cut her throat.

Dhillon denied murder at at Newcastle Crown Court, saying Alice had fallen on a carving knife during an argument.

But he was convicted by the jury and jailed for life.

Following Alice’s murder it came to light that vital opportunities to help her had been missed.

She called police just 11 days before she was killed asking for help.

She said she had become “terrified” by Dhillon’s stalking, which had also seen him make sinister visits to her home, on one occasion leaving flowers and chocolates on her window sill.

The incident was recorded as harassment, and Dhillon was issued with a Police Information Notice (PIN), but was not arrested.

The findings of an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct, revealed that a Northumbria Police officer failed to record Dhillon’s behaviour as stalking.

And when the officer visited Alice’s home he did not access her phone, which contained messages from Dhillon, or take the flowers and chocolates he had left, which could have been used as evidence.

However, despite finding that two officers involved had a “case to answer for misconduct” the PC and sergeant kept their jobs and were dealt with via management action and further training.

Alice’s family set-up the Alice Ruggles Trust in a bid to raise awareness of stalking.

They have since worked tirelessly to increase both professional and public understanding, as well as campaigning for improved legal measures to deal with stalking.

And Sue said they quickly came to realise they had a huge amount of work ahead of them to change attitudes.

“I think the realisation that it could have been stopped came really quickly,” said Sue. “Initially we were just absolutely furious, that nobody had taken any action. Then we started to see that things hadn’t been linked together properly,” she explained.

“As time went on we realised this was not just one police force not dealing with something properly. I became much more aware of what police do and how much they have to know and how hard it is for them.

“I think if we just stood there and said they did the wrong thing this would become a one off. But if we say we want to help them do the right thing, instead of just criticising we can help them.”

The Alice Ruggles Trust has celebrated a number of successes with police forces up and down the country improving officer training and improving responses.

And its work has seen the number of victims reporting stalking increase.

But Sue admits the work can be emotionally draining at times.

“It is really hard. It keeps bringing me back to all the horrible stuff,” she said. “So I have to focus on all the wonderful things about Alice and the rest of my family and the future, and not live in those few weeks.

“But I think we have got to keep fighting. Sometimes I think I should just stop and get on with my life. But I think Alice would be proud that this was being done in her name.”

The Alice Ruggles Trust’s next challenge is to work to ensure the newly introduced Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs) are being used properly.

The new powers were introduced in January 2020 and are designed to provide police with new powers to impose restrictions on stalkers.

Examples of restrictions SPOs could impose include: banning stalkers from entering certain locations, using a device that can access the internet, and physically approaching or contacting the victim.

But figures published earlier this year showed they have only been used a handful of times.

“What we need to do now is getting the Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs) working properly,” said Sue. “We have heard some evidence recently that they are not working like they are supposed to.

“When they were first introduced I thought they would be perfect. If Alice had got a SPO he would have known he was not allowed to go near her.

“The protection has to come first, but convictions have to come as well, that’s the only way we are going to get rid of this problem.

“A lot of people that do this stalking don’t even realise they are doing anything wrong.”

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