Natasha Rathnayake – Buzz with Danu

Full name– Natasha Marie Rathnayake
Hometown– Colombo   
Status– Married
Birthday– 18th Jan (any guesses on the year guys?) :p
Idols– I’m NOT an Idol worshiper! (HaHaHaHaHa!) J
Passions– singing, dancing, actually I am passionate about anything to do with the Performing Arts field.
Favourite Colour– Blue
Favourite Cartoon– SpongeBob

As I write this column, I don’t know what’s going to be the situation with the semi -finals! But hope  our boys make it to the finals! The World Cup has put us all on  edge!

She ran away with her fist single. She ran all the way to the top !! Happy to see a Sri Lankan doing so well!

When it comes to having the complete look as a performer she has made a unique mark in the local music world…

I will say its her determination and hard work that has made her what she is today, and something that I admire and many will agree with me is the love and support that Damitha gives in making Natashas grow bigger everyday!

Full name– Natasha Marie Rathnayake
Hometown– Colombo   
Status– Married
Birthday– 18th Jan (any guesses on the year guys?) :p
Idols– I’m NOT an Idol worshiper! (HaHaHaHaHa!) J
Passions– singing, dancing, actually I am passionate about anything to do with the Performing Arts field.
Favourite Colour– Blue
Favourite Cartoon– SpongeBob

As I write this column, I don’t know what’s going to be the situation with the semi -finals! But hope  our boys make it to the finals! The World Cup has put us all on  edge!

She ran away with her fist single. She ran all the way to the top !! Happy to see a Sri Lankan doing so well!

When it comes to having the complete look as a performer she has made a unique mark in the local music world…

I will say its her determination and hard work that has made her what she is today, and something that I admire and many will agree with me is the love and support that Damitha gives in making Natashas grow bigger everyday!

Love to all! And Nats I wish you the best

Do you consider yourself  a better singer or a model?

All I know is, I do the best with what I’ve been given. So,  this question really should be answered by my audience. 

As a person who always believes in being in shape what is the one, single food that you would never give up?
I know this may sound cliché and so overrated but the truth is,
can anyone resist chocolates?

Tell me about something you would happily do again?
Sing and perform

What was your first impression of me?
Oh Gawd, his SOOO full of himself and I can’t stand that in people! haha

What makes you bored?
Doing things without purpose and being with people who are  on that same frequency. 

Tell me about something you really care about?
About people not having a conscience and that they have lost their humanness, authenticity and sense of realness as human beings.  They’re becoming extinct and that it is sooo sad that I cannot take people for face value anymore. 

Tell me about your childhood?
A very shy, backward, boring kid, who was faced with circumstances that literally pushed her to the deep end that she had no choice but to learn how to swim for survival. Since then, she had done pretty decent she thinks,
giving all credit to her creator.

What was the worst gossip that you heard about you?

When? That I was carrying Josh Hartnett’s child! Haha! Who am I trying to kid seriously!  Truth be told, this was the question I took the longest to answer and I kept it for last, thinking I can find some scoop on me but I found absolute NONE. I know.. can you believe it??  I know I should be happy cause that’s a good thing but not on paper.  Sorry, Danu. I even asked close friends and still found zilch.. Sowweee! Maybe you should ask your audience to make up some fancy rumours about me so I’ll have something to write next time someone asks me this question again?  Haha!

What was your least favourite subject in school?
Science and maths- so that makes two of them.

The reason behind an early marriage?
Its immaterial whether its early or late cos either way I would have married the one I’m with today. He is a keeper!

Do you think you are famous?
Doubt anyone can be as famous as you Danu but there are rumours….but then again, you know how these rumours are no? 

Do you like publicity?

If it’s publicity for the things I care about and I am passionate about, then, I don’t mind, but definitely not for the wrong reasons. 

In the Spot

Kumar Sangakkara, Mahela Jayawardene , Tillakaratne Dilshan- out of the three
who is your favourite?

Kumar Sangakkara. I feel he clearly understands his title as the Captain of the team. He leads by example and he does it with so much pride and dignity
for Sri Lanka.

Ramani , Nayana , Chagall – out of the three, name one Salon who has made you look the best?
This is where my diplomacy comes in to play isn’t it?  I think all three of them have worked very hard over the years to create a benchmark for themselves and they have all had a part to play in making me look my BEST when I have most needed it. It’s the truth! Nice try!

Rozelle Plunkett, Rozan Diasz, Jacqueline Fernandez -name your favourite Miss Sri Lanka?
I have immense respect for all three of them as they’re my dear friends who I love and admire. They have all been great representatives of this country in their own right. but the truth is, my favourite Miss Sri Lanka is not amongst the three specified here..

When would we see you as a mom?
Soon as people stop asking me that question.

Tel us about the incident that took place with Prasad Bidapa’s daughter back stage last year at the Colombo Fashion week?
Hahahahahaahah! No comment! But all I know is, her favorite word

Yes/ No Questions

I have had a Thai massage
–  NO
I listen to Sri Lankan Music
– NO
I had a girl who made a pass at me
I believe in Numerology
I was a rude girl at school

‘IF’ Questions

If you wake up one day looking like me, what would you do?
I would console myself saying it’s ONLY a nightmare, drink some water and go back to sleep!

If you could have plastic surgery right now and change anything about yourself, what would you change?
Nothing. Speaking truthfully, I guess, we all have our moments of disgust with ourselves, where we wish we look a certain way or we had bigger or smaller things and that’s called being an absolute human being.  But the truth deep down is I DON’T and WON’T. I believe that my creator thought hard and carefully, before he created me in my mother’s womb. I might not look perfect to some but God thought otherwise and created me to be different and unique in every sense and the most beautiful thing is that there will ONLY be “ONE” of me flaws and all.  Isn’t that a good enough reason to be satisfied? If I did change something I won’t be so unique after all, now would I? 

If you had to evacuate your house immediately, what is the one thing you would grab on the way out? My Courage.

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?
To stop being soo naïve, thinking there is good in everybody cos its almost nonexistent. This area is completely under construction.

If you could have any special magic, what would it be?
To be psychic

If you could predict the future, what would you do with that knowledge?
Use it to steer my life to perfection. If only this was true though…

If you were punished for a crime, what type of punishment would you choose?
WOW! It comes with an option to choose nowadays? How cool is that!

If you were in the Cricket Team, would you be a good bowler or a good batsman?
Can I just be the water girl plsss?????

Five things you will always find on you 

My mobile phone
my smile
my spray of Positiveness

What are the most important 3 things in your life?


Five songs on your i-pod

Price tag– Jessie J
Wait til you see my smile– Alicia keys
That’s the way love goes– Janet Jackson
One day I’ll fly away– Randy Crawford
All I am– Al Jarreau & George Benson

One word answers

Which celebrity do most people say you resemble?
Are you more like your mom or your dad?
Do you read the Bible?
Are you artistic and creative?
What do you do when you are driving alone in a car?
Can you handle the truth?
Are you close to your family?Sometimes

What does Colombo mean when they say the following…

I am on a diet”– a sad excuse to say I’m fat so, pls, spare me with the insults and comments.
“I just don’t find any clothes for me in Sri Lanka” I can’t find my size cos they stop making it.
‘ I am broke” I’m shamefully stingy.
‘Colombo is too small”– Everyone knows everything so pls don’t BS me!
I dont buy the Hi! – It’s a picture book and I’m not in it. So, what’s the point?

About the author


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