The Dos And Don’ts of Vaping For Beginners



Vapes, like the ones sold by Elf Bar, are the trendiest item of the decade. Their popularity is explained not just by their flavourful experiences, but their adaptability to match different individuals’ needs — whether you are an ex-smoker trying to make a switch or just a beginner trying to pick up something new. Nonetheless, the vaping industry also has its own set of unspoken rules that every vaper should be aware of. No matter your experience with vaping, read on as we introduce the dos and don’ts of vaping to keep yourself in check. 

The rights

  1. Clean your vaping device frequently 

Keeping your devices clean is the best way to ensure you have an enjoyable vaping experience. Every time you inhale a puff, the device’s tank accumulates residues that impact the vape juice’s flavour and quality. 

As a general guide, we suggest you clean the tank each time you change the vape juice. Additionally, one should deep clean the tank monthly by emptying its content and submerging it into warm water. 

If cleaning sounds like too much of a hassle, try opting for vape devices that contain a removable mouthpiece alongside a replaceable glass. This should quicken the cleaning process significantly. 

  1. Storing the vape juice appropriately

Although these liquids can be kept for a long time, they will lose their flavour if not stored properly. Since it is perishable, keep the vape juice in a dark, cooling environment and avoid any exposures to sunlight or hot spaces. 

  1. Changing up the flavours occasionally 

Inhaling the same vape juice for a long time can cause a phenomenon commonly known as a “vaper’s tongue”. This occurs when you are unable to taste the flavours of the e-liquid, signifying that your olfactory glands and taste buds should take a break. Vaper’s tongue is nothing serious, and the only thing it affects is the flavour of the particular vape juice. It will wear off in a few days, but vapers can also choose to change to a different vape juice instead. 

  1. Having a good oral hygiene practice 

Vape users are more prone to mouth problems especially if their oral hygiene is not at its best state. For avid vapers, brushing your teeth is not sufficient and you should use mouthwash to thoroughly cleanse their mouth. Furthermore, vape users who enjoy sweetened e-liquid should routinely clean their tongues as residues tend to build up there. 

On the flip side, ex-smokers will realize that there are lesser oral health problems when vaping compared to smoking. 

  1. Experiment with the ingredient ratios

Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin are the two main ingredients that become the base of every vape juice. The proportions of these two chemicals determine the strength of flavour and visibility of clouds. If you wish to get a balanced vape juice with a strong flavour and a thick cloud, try adding equal amounts of the two liquids.

  1. Wait before you take your next puff

Chain vaping, or continuously taking puffs, is a common rookie mistake that many face in their journey. As the wick needs to be saturated after each puff, we encourage users to keep to a minimum 30 seconds interval before inhaling from the device again. 

Ex-smokers may find this challenging because cigarettes do not require any wait time every time you take a puff. These users can consider opting for a vape juice with a higher nicotine concentration to give you the kick without chain vaping. 

  1. Finding a suitable vaping device 

One of the biggest advantages of vaping is its range of options that can virtually meet all your needs. Since vape devices come in different types, we encourage you to pick something that best fits your lifestyle. 

For example, ex-smokers who just made the switch can try opting for soft-tip devices that replicate the familiar texture of cigarettes. Whereas, vape users who wish to exhale thicker clouds should opt for devices with a higher wattage. 

  1. Switch up your vaping device 

The charm of vaping lies in their customizability — try playing around with their tanks, mods and juices to find the right match. 

The Wrongs

  1. Not being considerate about others 

When you are at a friend’s place or an establishment, it is basic etiquette to ask the owner’s permission before you whip out your device. Even if you are using a nicotine-free vape, not everyone appreciates the smell or the cloud. At the end of the day, it all boils down to respect and courtesy. Ensure you gain the consent of your peers before you start vaping. 

  1. Disobeying smoking rules 

Establishments often have their own set of smoking rules, but there are occasions whereby the rule is not applicable to vapes. Some places allow cigarettes, but limit vape usage in their compounds. Hence, it is a good practice to check with the relevant personnel before vaping. 

Vape devices that produce thick clouds can be a nuisance in closed smoking areas, and can possibly land you with complaints. To counter this, we suggest you pick up devices with a small vape pod that allows you to enjoy stealthily. Contrary to their size, these tiny pods have a strong kick that will keep you satisfied. 

  1. Avoid overnight charging

Just like our mobile phones, vape devices should not be charged overnight. This can significantly exhaust the device’s battery and reduce its shelf life. If your only option is to charge overnight, do consider purchasing vape kits equipped with overcharge protection to limit the damage to the vape. Another alternative will be getting a device that offers a fast charging speed. These types of vapes shorten the waiting time while protecting the device. 

  1. Not hydrating 

When you are an avid vaper, you might notice constant dryness in your mouth. With Propylene Glycol being the key ingredient to the e-liquid, vaping can be rather dehydrating. Start a habit of drinking water before your throat starts to itch. This way you can bid goodbye to dry throats and vaper’s throat! 


Vaping should be a form of relaxation and we want everyone to enjoy this experience. Through a series of dos and don’ts, we shared maintenance techniques for your e-cigarettes, basic vaping etiquettes, and ways to maximize the device. 

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