10 Editing and Proofreading Tips for Writers


If you aim to write effective content that captives your readers and impresses your audience, take editing & proofreading seriously!

For many writers, it is one of the least favorite tasks to proofread the entire write up and edit if needed. Although there are countless free and paid tools available on the internet to proofread your content for you, do you not want to improve your skills? 

The term editing here covers many aspects. But a million-dollar question which arrives here; where to start? How would you know if this particular sentence needs amelioration? Proofreading comes after editing when you need to see if it is your perfect attempt and worth sending forward.

With our expert editing & proofreading tips, your productivity will be enhanced with the highest quality. Keep reading!
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  1. Take time to proofread – never do your entire proofreading in one go. If your write up is lengthy, take your time to read everything thoroughly.
  2. Be a morning person – it is scientifically proven that people who work, mostly write early in the morning, can write with better productivity. You can modify these times, and it’ll seem like a different paper, and you’ll see new details.
  3. Read. Out. Loud. – It is expected that when you read silently in the heart, you jump off words. It is the reason why you miss many errors and spelling mistakes.
  4. Don’t repeat the same mistakes – Many writers don’t remember their last list of errors that they correct and keep on repeating them. If you are likely to forget the previous errors, prepare a list, and read it before writing the next piece.
  5. Avoid distractions when proofreading – While proofreading your document, make sure no kid is running behind, and no cellphone continually rings. Find a quiet place for proofreading.
  6. Get help from a professional – There’s no shame in taking assistance from a professional proofreader or a writer. They’ll help you figure where you lack and how you can improve further.
  7. Refer to Grammar guides & books – Even if they aren’t the most exciting reading material, read them for reference. You’ll find good inspiration for new ideas, better vocabulary, and correct grammar.
  8. Academic footnotes & endnotes – In academic essays, like a research essay, the footnotes and endnotes get pushed off to the bottom of the document or at the end of the paper. Does anyone read them? Well, they are equally important as the rest of your essay. Therefore, while editing and proofreading, don’t skip that section.
  9. Re-read your changesAfter typing, proofreading, and editing, making new mistakes is the worst thing you can do. Re-reading your edited content helps you distinguish your improved content from what further needs to be improved. Sometimes, while fixing previous errors, we mistakenly press the wrong keypads and make new ones.

Remove wordy sentences – Ensure that your write-up should be of the highest quality. Remove extras if you find them verbose.

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