6 Critical Event Management Tips to Reduce the Flu’s Impact on Your Business During COVID-19


Organizations are utilizing critical event management (CEM) solutions driven by AI to safeguard their employees and business operations. Especially from the hazards of deadly viruses during the present global health crisis. By supplementing their knowledge with a contemporary, AI-enabled CEM platform, organizations can reduce dangers posed by the seasonal flu and COVID-19. Here are some of the top Critical Event Management Tips that you should know.

Tip 1: Identify high-risk locations Quickly

Knowing where viruses are active and who has been exposed to them is essential for protecting employees from the flu and COVID-19. For businesses with operations in many states, nations, or continents, this is no easy feat.

Gather data from thousands of authoritative sources, ranging from government agencies and international NGOs to hyperlocal sources. Such sources range from community media, hospitals, clinics, and public health departments, on the perfect CEM platform.

The CEM platform must be able to cross-reference all of this structured and unstructured data. And identify what is accurate and timely and pinpoint data that connects back to the things that are important to you for analysts. The platform must process these workloads in real-time since epidemics occur rapidly.

Geolocation and geofencing are critical features that allow businesses to determine whether their employees have come into touch with high-risk regions. The technology uses geolocation to track the movements of personnel using GPS-enabled cell phones and geo sensored cars. Geofencing encircles an outbreak’s exact location and detects when someone enters the risk zone.

Modern CEM solutions use mapping technology to give graphically rich views of hotspots and staff movements, which are best shown on a dashboard. Security and travel employees can use this visibility to:

  • One should inform employees of the exact location of an epidemic.
  • Advice on how to quarantine and where to get medical help.
  • Extraction strategies for personnel trapped in hotspots should be activated.

Organizational contact tracing is also possible because of geolocation and geofencing. Analysts may use the CEM platform to identify when an employee comes into touch with someone who has been exposed to a virus if they opt-in and allow GPS on their devices.

Tip 2: Plan for inevitable absenteeism

External influences will still induce absenteeism, even if firms monitor for symptoms at their facilities and take the required safeguards. Closures of schools and daycare centers, transit system shutdowns, government-mandated lockdowns, and travel restrictions are all examples of such issues.

Employees who are sick with the flu or COVID-19 will have an impact on operations. Modeling possible emergencies one should activate extraction strategies for personnel trapped in hotspots. Selecting the most likely and severe, and establishing alternate staffing plans for each case may help businesses prepare.

Furthermore, current CEM systems enable businesses to conduct health surveys of their staff.

Regular health assessments help management grasp the full extent of the flu or COVID-19’s impact on employees. Analysts may use this information to modify production capacity swiftly and carefully arrange employees’ return to work.

Tip 3: Keep employees informed

Throughout the epidemic, public health professionals have revised safety standards regularly. During flu season, it’s normal to expect them to do so. Companies may use today’s CEM systems to target workers with:

  • International, national, state, and local public health agencies provide critical safety updates.
  • Regulations governing mobility inside the state and country, as well as foreign travel restrictions.
  • Announcements of nation reopenings and travel restrictions are being eased.

The critical event management platform must be underpinned by a durable, geographically dispersed infrastructure. This guarantees that the communications reach recipients everywhere and at any time. It must also enable companies to communicate with employees on platforms other than smartphones, such as phone systems, email, SMS, and PCs.

Tip 4: Adapt to changes

During the COVID-19 epidemic, sales of previously in high demand, such as fashion, baggage, and cameras, have plunged. On the other hand, packaged meals, cough medication, and bread machines are in high demand.

The modern critical event management system can gather and analyze information from the news media, trade groups, and economic reports to identify changes in consumer behavior. Just as it can collect, validate, and interpret data on hotspots.

This information should ideally be shown on the CEM platform as a risk intelligence report that delivers aesthetically rich and, at the same time, actionable knowledge.

  • Businesses may safeguard their bottom line by adjusting like these when they better understand their customers.
  • Product production is increased or decreased in response to changing demand.
  • Increasing manufacturing in nations or areas with high demand
  • Rebalancing product or service portfolios
  • Use current manufacturing technologies to manufacture in-demand items such as personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Adding to or subtracting from anything for a short period
  • More or all sales are being moved online, and clients are being sold directly.
  • Experimenting with new concepts such as pop-up warehouses

Tip 5: Pivot when disaster disrupts operations

Inability to execute orders may reduce market share and irreversibly harm the brand reputation and goodwill with customers, wholesalers, resellers, and retailers for companies dealing with supply-chain interruptions.

Analysts can locate viral outbreaks and monitor the impact on facilities, logistics, and personnel using interactive maps shown on the critical event management dashboard. The platform should generate warnings from intelligence reports and deliver them to production teams so that one may optimize supply chains in a variety of ways, including:

  • To minimize the impact on productivity and safeguard personnel, shift manufacturing from a facility that COVID-19 shut down to a safe plant.
  • Reroute product delivery from carriers with a distribution center in the flu or COVID-19 hotspot to less impacted distribution centers.
  • Increase supplier partnerships: Enlist more suppliers to defend the firm from potential threats.

Tip 6: Create a second-wave response plan

Modern CEM systems generate risk intelligence reports that identify flu and COVID-19 outbreaks patterns and give evidence-based recommendations for dealing with following waves or a new pandemic. Businesses should seize this opportunity to expand their use of enhanced risk intelligence. Using what they’ve learned to rethink crisis management throughout the flu season.

We now have a better understanding of the depth and breadth of dangers that a global health crisis may bring. Organizations may save employee lives and keep operations going with the risk intelligence given by contemporary CEM platforms, whether the opponent is seasonal flu, pandemic flu, or a lethal, new coronavirus like COVID-19.

Would you like to learn more about how to keep your staff safe and your business functioning during a pandemic? Get in touch with the experts of Zapoj CEM Solutions.

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Get to know the top six critical event management tips that every organization should know for undisrupted business continuity in 2021.

Worried about your business operation in critical situations like COVID-19? You will find these six Critical Event Management Tips helpful.

Do not let the flu impact your business during COVID-19. Here are 6 CEM tips that you should know right now.

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By Naomi

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