How much does the First Lady earn?


Today is the day that Trump’s four years in office comes to an end and a new president will be sworn in.

After his inauguration today, Joe Biden will take on the responsibilities of being Commander-in-Chief – as well as the rewards, some of which will continue for life.

As POTUS, Biden will earn a $400,000 (£295,746) salary, along with having access to a $50,000 (£36,616) annual expense account and a $100,000 (£73,233) nontaxable travel account.

But how much will the incoming First Lady, Dr Jill Biden earn for her role as First Lady of the US (FLOTUS

How much does a First Lady get paid?

Perhaps surprising, but a First Lady gets paid nothing.

Dr Jill Biden will not earn a penny for the work she carries out as First Lady in support of her husband.

The First Lady is not compensated by the federal government for the work she does, as it is not an elected position and carries only ceremonial titles and duties.

This hasn’t gone unnoticed in the White House. Ronald Reagan said in an interview back in 1982: ‘You know, with the First Lady the government gets an employee free; they have her just about as busy as they have me.’

Barack Obama also raised questions about why the FLOTUS isn’t paid for her important role, stating: ‘Michelle would point out first ladies get paid nothing. So there’s clearly not equal pay in the White House when it comes to her and me.’

Why doesn’t FLOTUS earn anything?

The primary reason the FLOTUS is not paid for her role is because the First Lady wasn’t elected – her husband was.

No matter how much work she does to champion reforms or publicise a cause, a First Lady can’t be appointed by her husband to an official political position – it would be nepotism.

However, becoming FLOTUS brings with it a sizeable workload and an enormous amount of pressure. The amount of work that is required of a First Lady has in the past caused those who become the FLOTUS to give up their former careers to focus on the role instead. Michelle Obama gave up her $212,000 salary as a hospital executive and Hillary Clinton resigned from her job as a partner at the Rose Law Firm.

Dr Jill Biden will make history this month as the first FLOTUS to hold paid job. Dr Biden is an English professor at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) and she didn’t quit teaching when her husband served as vice president to Barack Obama – and she’s not going to quit now.

‘I’m going to continue to teach,’ Dr Biden said during an interview on CBS Sunday Morning in August 2020. ‘It’s important — I want people to value teachers.’

What money is provided for the FLOTUS?

Although the First Lady doesn’t receive a paycheque, there is a budget for her activities.

Money is provided to pay her staff, and transportation and lodging is provided when she is travelling to promote a cause.

As for clothing, Joanna Rosholm, former press secretary to Michelle Obama, revealed: ‘Mrs. Obama pays for her clothing. For official events of public or historic significance, such as a state visit, the First Lady’s clothes may be given as a gift by a designer and accepted on behalf of the U.S. government. They are then stored by the National Archives.’

What does a First Lady do?

First Ladies have a highly visible position in American society, with their role having evolved over the centuries.

Jean H Baker wrote in ‘Give First Ladies a Salary and Expectations’ that being a First Lady is ‘a full-time, all-consuming job’, with duties including running the household, advising the president and promoting causes.

However, outside of the obvious role of supporting the President, the answer to what a FLOTUS does is actually defined by each new person who holds the position.

The White House Historical Association explains: ‘The Constitution provides guidance for the responsibilities of the president, but what about the first lady? No founding document exists that explains the duties of the first lady. Instead, generations of women have shaped how the modern Office of the First Lady formed, and the roles of the president’s spouse.’

How much is the role of FLOTUS worth? reviewed a description of all the tasks a First Lady performs and came back with a list of jobs that each represented an aspect of the role. These included:

  • Nonprofit program executive
  • Communications executive
  • Event director
  • Secretary to the CEO
  • Interior designer

After assigning a percentage weight to each role, then multiplying it by the middle salary for each position, the company came up with a ‘hybrid job compensation estimate’ for the First Lady in 2017 of $173,500 (£126,982).

Do FLOTUS staff get paid?

Yes, the First Lady manages paid staff.

In the past, staff were paid from the presidential family’s own funds, but the office has received federal funding since 1978.

A typical First Lady’s staff consists of around 15 people, including press and social secretaries, speechwriters and project directors.

Who was the first FLOTUS?

The first FLOTUS is considered to be Martha Dandridge Custis Washington, wife of George Washington.

However, the title ‘First Lady’ was not coined until after her death.

Martha confessed she did not enjoy her role as First Lady, writing to a niece in a letter that ‘I think I am more like a state prisoner than anything else’.

She once commented that younger and happier women would be ‘extremely pleased’ in her place – but she’d ‘much rather be at home’.

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