Environment Protection in 2020


Environment protection aims at saving our mother Earth from various pollutants, intoxicants wastes which pollutes our environment directly and indirectly. We try to save our environment as an individual, group or an organization because our own activities sometimes affect our environment directly or indirectly. Several problems are rising due to the increase of population. There are many occasions for our environment like Earth Day, world watery day, National Science Day. We should try and save our environment also on the normal days rather than just these important environmental days. There are many organizations which are trying to protect our environment. Few of them are:

  1. Sierra Club 

The Sierra Club is one environmental organization based in USA and in two US Territories, namely Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. The major focus of Sierra Club is to promote sustainable energy, mitigate global warning, oppose the use of coal and to protect the wild places of the Earth. The club is also known for two main activities i.e. promoting and guiding outdoor recreational activities, which is done throughout the United States but primarily in California (especially Southern California), and political activism to promote environmental causes. Till now, 300 coals retired, 15, 000 children are getting outside per year, 439 parks and monuments have been established with the help of 3.8 million members and supporters.

  1. Dera Sacha Sauda

Dera Sacha Sauda is one of the famous and leading organizations in India with more than 65 million members. Planted more than 40 million of trees till date and the volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda (DSS) make sure that our environment always stays healthy and protected. The 65 million+ followers of this organization celebrate the birthday of Revered Guruji Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan by planting saplings every year. He inspires everyone to protect our environment and the best way to do so is by doing plantation. 

He says that everyone should celebrate any special occasion by planting a sapling. If every person on the planet will contribute in saving our Earth, then it will become so easy to fulfill our target of protecting the Earth. Mega Tree plantation is one of the core initiatives as part of 134 welfare work initiated by Revered Guruji. He believes that we can tackle every problem related to the environment by planting more and more trees

  1. The National Conservancy 

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is an environmental organization founded back in 1951, which has headquarters in Arlington, VirginiaUnited States. It is a well grown organization which is one of the most effective and wide-reaching environmental organizations in the world. There are more than one million members who are connected to it.

The nature conservancy has a campaign called “Plant a Billion Trees” under which with the target of planting more than billions of trees across the world in forests because it’s the need of hour. The donation they get from the people all over the world mostly used in planting, protection and rebuilding of the forests. They emphasize on the various issues like climate change, protecting land and water, water sustainability and on building healthy cities in order to achieve their foremost ambition.

Their mission is to save land and water because life depends on them. They put every effort made to work efficiently and effectively to make the greatest impact possible for the conservation of environment. The conservancy‘s china blueprint heavily influenced China’s national conservation plan. The plan for a halt to the loss of biodiversity in the country by 2020 and establishes priority conservation areas.

  1. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc (NRDC)

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is a non-profit international environmental advocacy group based in the USA, its headquarters are in New York City and offices in Washington D.C.San FranciscoLos AngelesNew DelhiChicagoBozeman, and Beijing. NRD works on the saving our mother Earth by saving all its component i.e. people, plants, animals and the ecosystem on which all life depends. There are more than 3 million members in NRDC including scientists, lawyers and policy advocates across the world to make sure that the rights of the people to the air, the water and the wild. They fight to make sure we inhale clean air, avail clean water and live in a healthy community. 

  1. World Wide Fund for Nature 

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an internationally renowned and non-governmental organization founded in 1961. WWF works in the field of wilderness preservation and the reduction of human impact on the environment. With more than 5 million supporters, it is one of the largest conservation organizations working in more than 100 countries with 3000 conservation and environmental projects.

In order to protect the communities, wildlife and the places in which they live, they connect with people for more innovative ideas for that. For sustainability, they are transforming policies and markets to help local communities conserve the natural resources. WWF believes that if all the people will work together, then surely, we can protect our environment and all the species included in it. 

They emphasize on climate change, food, forests, freshwater, oceans and wildlife. The President and CEO, Carter Roberts says that “Conservation endures as a living discipline because it is inhabited by a magnificent collection of people. Only by working together can we create solutions to the most vexing problems we face.” They are trying to build a future where people live in harmony with nature.

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