Functions of Computer Hardware Components in 2021


In an age when even toddlers demonstrate considerable expertise in handling technology, it is understandable why computers are taken for-granted. What may seem like a compact box on the outside actually hides numerous units within – each responsible for necessary functions. Thus, having sound knowledge of these parts can be useful when confronted with glitches. 

Problems in a single component may affect the overall performance of the computer, therefore the suppliers of computer hardware in UK are there to offer solutions to such problems.

Two major entities – the hardware and software – work together to ensure smooth functioning of the computer. The ‘physically tangible’ part of the computer is the hardware. It consists of many modules which are involved in important functions related to input, processing and output as well as storage. 

Many hardware components exist and can be found in hardware stores around UK. The motherboard, the CPU, storage devices and external devices are important parts of the hardware system of a computer. These can be divided into major categories according to their functions – input, processing, output and storage. 

For the layman, computer-related terms may seem too technical which is why you should read on to find out how exactly the hardware components work in a simplified fashion.


Ever wondered how exactly the computer knows just exactly what you want it to do? Enter the keyboard and the mouse – two major external routes by which you can control what goes into the computer. Keyboards contain many keys with various letters and symbols which may be used to enter commands. 

The mouse makes it easier for the user to accurately point and click objects and is important to control the movement of the cursor. Amongst many other input devices, scanners can also be mentioned as they can be used to enter images or documents into the device. 


Put simply, this is a crucial step whereby all the commands entered via the input devices are converted into information which can be understood by the computer. 

The boss of the game is the motherboard. It is the most significant player of this process as it acts as a major port through which all information must pass to reach its destination. It acts as a relay center and contains many different parts. Perhaps the most well-known resident of the motherboard is the CPU (Central Processing Unit) which, as the name suggests, processes the information. 

Not only does it pass on orders within the computer system but it is also involved in the storage process. It has many units which help it control and store information as well as communicate with the input and output devices.  


Once the computer has made sense of the delivered data, it has to convert it into a format which can be better understood by the user. This can be in the form of images, videos, sounds, music or text. 

After input and processing of the information is completed, the data is then presented to the computer user in several ways. The output can be visual in nature as seen in the case of monitors, projectors and printers. Auditory output (such as music) can be relayed via speakers. 


All information must be stored somewhere. Computers have internal storage drives located within them for this purpose. For quick access to data, RAM (Random Access Memory) – often referred to as ‘volatile memory’ – is used by the computer to retrieve data it needs right then. 

This is a short-term form of storage and is deleted when the computer is switched off. On the other hand, the hard drive is a permanent storage device which is usually used for storage of data by the user or for program installation. This stored data is not removed upon shutting down. 

External storage devices can also be used for long-term storage of data. Some of the most common external storage devices include external hard drives, compact discs and USB drives.

While hardware components may sound too complex to understand, once you break down the way they work, it’s all just a piece of cake. The story begins with the entering of the information by the user into the computer, the computer making sense of the received data, sending out user-friendly output and finally storing of the needed information. 

Input of data is made simple with the use of the keyboard, the mouse and other devices. The CPU, the master of the hardware, manages the processing of the received information and acts as a communicator. 

Monitors, speakers and several other devices can then present the data in a more pleasurable design. Smooth running of operations and retention of desired data is handled by storage components. 

If any of the components malfunction, there is no need to panic. Numerous retailers of components of computer hardware in the UK are always there to help you out.   

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