Reasons to Replace Your Windows Before Winter 


It’s that time of year again—winter is fast approaching, and your windows can’t be more than a few years old. But are they really in good shape? If you haven’t had them replaced in the last three or four years, chances are they could use an upgrade. When you have new windows installed, it’s like getting new shoes. You might not realize how uncomfortable your old shoes were until you try on a new pair. New windows feel fresher and cleaner, let in more light and offer better protection against the elements. And like new shoes, they’ll wear out over time.

You might be wondering if this is your situation as well. Here are some reasons why it might really be, as well why you should consider it:

1. They’re energy hogs. 
If your windows are older than 10 years, it’s likely that they’re inefficient compared to newer models. The older ones will require more heat and air conditioning than necessary, which means higher utility bills for you all winter long.

2. They don’t look great anymore. 
Your old windows may have been beautiful when they were new, but if they’re showing signs of wear and tear now, it’s time to replace them before winter hits! You don’t want to be stuck with outdated or damaged windows through the cold weather months when everyone else has put new ones in already!

3. They’re hard to open and close properly. 
If your windows stick or don’t open all the way (or worse yet; fall off!), then you need new ones ASAP before winter rolls around! You’ll save yourself tons of frustration trying to secure your home against burglars or other intruders by replacing them.

4. Winter Is An Inconvenient Time For Window Replacement. 
In the winter months, many people have short days and long nights—which means a lot less time to work on their home improvement projects. With all your days already booked up with Christmas shopping, holiday parties and other seasonal activities, making time for window replacement just isn’t realistic.

5. Older Windows Attract Mold And Mildew
If you live in a cold climate, it’s especially important that you get new windows. Old windows have poor seals and don’t hold up well against moisture from rain, snow, and ice—so they can let water get in your home. This can cause mold and mildew growth on your windows. And not only is this unpleasant to look at, but it can be harmful to breathe in—reducing the air quality of your home and posing a health risk to you and your family. This problem becomes more serious as you get older because it takes longer for your body to heal itself naturally as you age. This means that if you have older windows in your home or office building without proper ventilation systems installed, then they will attract these types of bacteria!

6. Boost the appearance of your home. 
When the weather starts to turn colder, you may notice that your windows are starting to fog up. This is an annoyance and can be uncomfortable when it happens, but it can also be a sign that your windows need replacement.
When your windows are damaged, it’s ugly. It makes your home look unkempt and uninviting—and frankly, it’s just not acceptable. If you’re thinking about selling your home, damaged windows may make all the difference in whether or not a buyer thinks it’s worth their time to come take a look at it. If you live in an older home or one with older windows, this may be the case. Old, worn-out windows can make your home look shabby—and who wants that? So think about having new windows installed to boost the appearance, curb appeal, and property value of your home—especially during the holidays! Maybe wooden ones?

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