What should you know about e-commerce retargeting?


The e-commerce industry is still a new branch of the economy that involves buying products online. It is constantly changing and improving in order to best reach potential customers. Online shopping is now very popular, and many people are increasingly giving up buying things stationary in favor of online shopping, which brings even more e-commerce development. This, in turn, also brings a greater supply of companies that offer their services or products online. Customers, however, want to find the right product to fit their needs as quickly as possible, which is why e-commerce retargeting is being used in the industry.

What is retargeting? 

Retargeting is a marketing technique that allows you to approach once again customers who have already interacted with our website. This works by means of an advertisement that follows the user and reminds him or her of the purchase options in a given store from time to time. E-commerce retargeting can be divided into several types, ranging from general to specific, i.e. from targeting a reminder ad to all users, through cluster retargeting, to an individual approach to the customer’s needs and intentions.

Differences between e-commerce retargeting and remarketing

Often we may encounter a situation where the words remarketing and retargeting are used identically. These two terms have different definitions, although nowadays they are treated practically the same, since both are aimed at reaching visitors to your site and persuading them to buy your product or service. However, some people further separate the two concepts, so it is useful to know how they differ. By definition, e-commerce retargeting involves selecting customers into groups, so as to isolate those potentially interested in buying a particular item or service. In retargeting we create ads for people who have visited our site, but have not made a purchase. In remarketing, we usually target our ads to people who are already customers of our store and have made a purchase before. Often remarketing campaigns use email communication, while retargeting uses advertisements on social media and websites. 

What does retargeting look like in e-commerce?

Targeting the user in e-commerce retargeting is done by using codes on our store’s website that allow you to create a list of visitors to the store and by collecting cookies. By entering the website, the customer leaves a trace in the form of cookies. Thanks to this, if these files are later identified on the server of the page on which we want to place the retargeting ad, we will be able to display the appropriate advertisement to the user. In this case, the system will provide information about what the given user has done on the store’s website and will match the ad displayed on other domains, according to his possible needs.

Why is retargeting important in the e-commerce industry?

E-commerce retargeting is important because it allows you to acquire customers in a budget way. By reaching many people at once, an online retailer is able to save money through economies of scale. What’s more, good quality retargeting will allow you to gain loyal and long-standing customers who will associate well with our brand. This happens by personalizing the ad to the customer’s needs, so that only those products that are potentially useful to our customer are displayed. 

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