Hair Transplant Side Effects and Precautions


It is estimated that a normal person has about one lakh hair in his head. 90 percent of these hairs are those that fall and fall out. But sometimes for some reason, hair loss continues rapidly but new hair does not come. In such a situation, it is natural to have baldness.

To avoid this, people use modern, Ayurvedic, and homeopathy medicines and lotions along with various types of home remedies. If this is not avoided, then a hair transplant is done. Know about various aspects related to hair transplant

A Case Study

This is the case a 43-year-old man from Mumbai got a hair transplant done in March. Soon after this, severe pain and swelling problems started in the head, shoulders, and face.

The patient had to be admitted to the big hospital the next day. Where he died. This matter and demand for investigation also arose in Parliament. According to experts, two things are coming out of it.

First, it involves transplanting the person into local anesthesia (syncope) for 12 hours. Second, the person likely had an allergic problem. The drug must have reacted.

The patient had previously undergone surgery and had not had an allergy test done before the transplant. The possibility of a drug reaction is yet to be ruled out.

Precautions to Take After Hair Transplant

Take care Special precautions are taken up to one week after transplant so that no infection occurs. It has to be saved from dirt to avoid Infections.

Do not wear hats, helmets, or wigs. Doctors show the way to wash hair. Some lotions and antibiotics are also given medicines. The lotion has to be applied to the affected area. Do Yoga Asanas and Meditation for Keeping your Head and your Soul Relaxed.

Dangers and Precautions related to Hair Transplant


Talking about surgery, many tests are as important as other surgeries in hair transplants. But caution in this risk can be reduced. Put one hair in it. In this case, it takes about 6-7 hours.

The patient receives anesthesia injections. If you give anesthesia for more than this, then the risk increases. Several safety tests, including blood, allergies, and ECG, are performed before the transplant. If anyone is allergic or has had surgery before, tell your doctor.


Heredity is the leading cause of hair loss. It also leads to hair loss due to poor diet, high stress, some diseases, hormone imbalance, and reaction to medicines.

Get the Expert, not a Technician

Many hair transplant centers, technicians do it instead of doctors. Do not let this happen. Transplantation should be done only after knowing the qualification of the doctor because qualified doctors are aware of the advantages and disadvantages.

Many patients have diabetes, blood pressure, or other diseases. After controlling these problems, a hair transplant process takes place. Doctors also look at critical care, for more information you can visit

Avoid Beauty Parlors for Hair Transplant

Surgery in the beauty parlor is dangerous. There is no law for hair transplants. Therefore, hair transplants are also being done in many beauty parlors. Where neither surgery nor emergency is available to deal with the situation. Transplants can be fatal in such places.

Two Types or Two Ways of Hair Transplant

There are two types of transplants or there are two ways.

  • Follicular unit ablation (FUE)
  • Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

In FUE, one or two hairs are applied from the donor portion while in FUT a strip of hair is taken out. It also requires stitches. In both, the hair is removed along with the cells so that the cells become active after the transplant.

Five stages of treatment of Hair transplant

Design phase

The design phase is the first to mark the transplanted portion.

Anesthesia Phase

Local anesthesia was given by local anesthetic injection in that part.

Harvesting Phase

Harvesting donor areas from which to extract hair remove them along with the cells.

Hair grafts Phase

Hair grafts are attached to the hair with small devices in the extracted head.

Result Phase

After the transplant, the results are successful after 2 weeks, the hair starts coming naturally.

Some risks and Side Effects of Hair transplant


Pain is very common. If there is severe pain, then inform the doctor about this.


The part affected by hair removal can remain numb for 3-18 weeks. Is more numb than immediately consult a doctor.


Bleeding may occur during transplant. In some people it is early and in some people, it is delayed.


Swelling on the forehead is normal. But if there is more inflammation, seek treatment by seeing a doctor immediately.


In this, when the roots of the hair are damaged and penetrate to the very inside of the skin, ulcers can occur but they are not fatal.


Sometimes, improper and dirty equipment is used to prevent infection. Take care of hygiene.

Thin hair

If the hair does not appear properly then later it starts thinning and falling. Many people may have baldness again.

Severe itching

After transplantation, itching and itching starts in the head. Some get relief from Shampoo, some may have serious problems.

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