Personnel Adaptation in a Modern Organization


This article describes the procedure for adapting personnel to organizations. The key goals of adaptation and its types are presented. Described stages and responsible persons. A list of important topics is given that needs to be addressed in the adaptation process. To prepare was used literature of English and Russian authorship. Work will be of interest to employees of the HR department, as well as managers of newly hired workers. Finding and training “suitable” personnel is a long and difficult process. Employees hired to work face a difficult task – to be part of the company, work harmoniously with other participants in the work process and contribute ideas for its improvement. Many companies are using Onboarding software to make their new staff more vulnerable to their performance review team and human resources.  

All words and actions of new employees will characterize the company’s success. For successful introduction of a newcomer to the company, the process is used to adapt personnel in the organization. The relevance of this topic is that the adaptation of personnel is an integral part of human resource management in an organization, and if it is carried out correctly, the enterprise is able to achieve a well-coordinated teamwork and high labor productivity

The purpose of this work is to study the process of personnel adaptation In the organisation. From the above goal, the following tasks follow:

– To define the adaptation process;

– Designate the types and stages of adaptation;

– Identify responsible persons and determine the approximate induction program.

Pros of the Personnel Adaptation

Personnel adaptation refers to the process of bringing an individual into a new or changed system of professional activity. Employers should be aware that adaptation is not just conditional on the process used in the organization. She is an integral component in the process of recruiting and retaining employees. Adaptation helps the employee faster join the workflow, thereby reducing costs, training-related work. 

Saves Your Time

The better primary adaptation, the less likely that managers and employees will have to spend time learning new employees.

Reducing anxiety

Any employee entering a new one, unfamiliar environment will feel anxious. It may prevent him from getting acquainted with a new position. Right organized adaptation allows you to reduce anxiety, caused by new and unknown settings, and helps to determine basic principles of behavior, so the employee will not speculate. 

Reduced staff turnover 

Staff turnover increases when employees feel that they’re not appreciated, or assigned to positions where they cannot do your job. Adaptation shows that the company values employees and helps to provide the tools needed for successful work. Disclosure of realistic expected results, positive attitude and job satisfaction. Important, so that the employee as soon as possible learned about values ​​and organizational culture companies about what is expected from him, as well as what is expected from others.

Enhancement productivity 

Employers and new hires want beginners as quickly as possible to become highly productive. Adaptation helps new employees to achieve performance at least two months earlier than those who have not been in an effective adaptation procedure.

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