What Happened To Daniel Petry And Gabriel Kuhl 


Daniel Felipe Petry was a Brazilian teenage murderer who sexually abused and murdered his neighbor Gabriel Kuhn on July 23, 2007, in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Swipe up to learn more in-depth about Daniel.

Gabriel cheated, and I will hold him accountable for his acts; as he stated, there is Heaven and Hell, and he is in Hell; I will track him down and exact vengeance, Daniel said in his last media interview.

Pictures: Who Was Gabriel Kuhl? Murder Story 

Gabriel Kuhl was a typical 12-year-old boy who lived in the same neighborhood as Daniel Petry. The two met while playing an online-based game called Tibia.

Gabriel once asked Daniel to borrow 20,000 Tibia, the online virtual currency. Daniel consented on the condition that Gabriel return it.

Daniel Petry (14)
Asesino a su vecino, Daniel Kuhun de 10 años por ganar una partida de un videojuego online. 
Ya que vivían cerca, entró a la casa de más chico, lo violó entonces este lo amenazó con denunciarlo, Petry lo estranguló con un cable hasta que se desmayó. pic.twitter.com/PUEnHKWcv4

— ༄ 𝐳 𝐚 𝐡 𝐢 (@cryingforgoogie) January 21, 2020

Over time, Daniel began to request the virtual currency promised to him, but Gabriel chose to keep it and exclude him from his virtual connections.

This enraged Daniel, who called his mother, Nova Trento, at 9:30 a.m. on the crime day to inquire when she would arrive.

Daniel knocked on Gabriel’s door, knowing how little time he had, and asked if he could come in and apologize and straighten things out.

Because they knew each other and were friends, Gabriel opens the door and lets him in. He quickly regretted his error. Daniel Petry shut and locked the door behind him before launching into a vicious and ferocious thrashing on Gabriel.

Gabriel Kuhl And Daniel Petry Crime Story: What Happened To Them?

Daniel Petry was filled with deadly hatred as a result of this crime.

That history of violence rushed back to him, and he found himself at Gabriel Kuhn’s door. The youngster was alone, but Daniel persuaded him to open the door and let him in so they could make amends.

Bro daniel petry and gabriel khun 😂😂😂 google this names up and then click on this photo u get pic.twitter.com/Lx4SRoHSrO

— Serazy (@Sub2Serazy) February 18, 2021

On the other hand, Petry began hitting Kuhn and viciously sodomizing the young child. Daniel mocked him as he lay bleeding and sobbing on his bed.

Violently attacked and mocked, the child’s mind sought refuge in the only place it had ever known. Kuhn stated that he would notify his mother of Petry’s actions.

Daniel became infuriated and unplugged Gabriel’s computer, strangling him with it while sexually abusing him once more. When he discovered Kuhl had died, he realized he needed to conceal the body.

Petry attempted to force Gabriel into a crawlspace, but the door was too narrow. Daniel swiftly retrieved a hacksaw and began cutting at Kuhl’s torso.

Gabriel then regained consciousness and began to scream in agony. Petry became enraged after mutilating his victim’s body, and he sawed Gabriel in half while still alive.

He also etched Tibian symbols into Gabriel’s flesh. He left the body in the hall for Gabriel’s brother to locate later that day since he couldn’t fit it into the crawlspace.

Where Is Daniel Petry Now? Update 2021

As of now, we do not know where Daniel Petry is.

The Brazilian court merely sentenced Daniel Petry to three years in a juvenile jail center, a blatant miscarriage of justice.

He was released in 2010, and all accounts indicate that he vanished.

There is no online presence, and there are no long-term penalties for murdering a child.

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