Septum Piercing Healing Process: What To Expect


Septum piercings are slowly growing in popularity due to their amazing benefits. From being able to easily hide your piercing to the unique and fun ways you can express yourself with your piercing, septum piercings are great for everyone! However, if you are considering getting a septum piercing, you first need to consider how to take proper care of the piercing.

What are the steps to septum piercing healing and how can I care for my new piercing?

If you want to get a septum piercing, you’re in luck! Here’s everything you can expect from septum piercing recovery and how you can make the process easier.

What is a Septum Piercing?

Septum piercings are done on the inside of the nose, going directly through the nasal septum; this is the area between both nostrils. There are a few different types of jewelry that you can have with a septum piercing, though the most common is a nose ring. There are also different sizes that you can get depending on your own preference.

Experienced piercers place the piercing just below your cartilage on the septum. Many refer to this as the “sweet spot”, as this makes the piercing relatively painless. 

How Long Does the Healing Process Take?

Your septum can take anywhere between 2 to 3 months to heal. In rare cases, the healing process may take up to 8 months instead; it all depends on the circumstance. However, so long as your piercer locates and pierces the correct area, you can expect a quick recovery time.

If your piercer does miss the sweet spot and accidentally pierces your cartilage, your healing process will be significantly longer. Make sure that you choose an experienced piercer for the job. You may also want to have your piercer examine your septum to get a better idea of where exactly to place the piercing; this is particularly useful for those with abnormally shaped septums, or if you have a deviated septum. 

An experienced piercer will also have the proper equipment for the job and can help prevent infection around the piercing site. Any infections will slow the healing process and put your health at risk.

Septum Piercing Healing Steps

There are three main periods that make up the septum piercing healing process. First is the sore and tender phase which takes place immediately following the piercing. 

Your septum will swell during the first few weeks after the initial piercing, and soreness can last up to 8 weeks following the procedure. It will be especially painful if you have to touch your nose. Anti-inflammatory medications and other aftercare procedures can help lessen your pain.

Next up is the initial healing stage. During this time, your nose pain and swelling should be gone or at least heavily reduced. Your septum will have started scarring at this stage, though it will not be fully healed at this point; there is still slight potential for bleeding and some tenderness during this stage.

Lastly, you have the final healing period. At this stage, your piercing is considered fully healed! You can now feel free to switch out jewelry, though you should still be careful; the freshly healed scar could reopen if you are too rough with your piercings.

Should My Piercing Hurt?

The pain you experience while having your septum pierced depends on your own pain tolerance and the skills of your piercer. After all, you are having a section of the inside of your nose poked through; even if your piercer hits the sweet spot, it’s still going to hurt a bit. However, the pain should only last a few seconds as the needle goes through the skin.

While it is natural for your piercing to be sore for at least a few weeks following your appointment, any severe pain shouldn’t last longer than 8 weeks after the initial piercing. Most who get septum piercings refer to any discomfort as a need to sneeze or mild irritation; any real pain is a potential sign that your piercing has become infected.

If your pain lasts for more than 8 weeks or worsens over time, you should visit your doctor right away. You may have an infection or other complication around the piercing site.

Septum Piercing Aftercare

There are steps you need to take after getting a septum piercing that will mitigate the risks of infection and other complications. One of the most important steps is to keep the piercing clean! That means you need to regularly clean the inside of your nose and the piercing itself.

Try to clean the piercing site at least twice a day during the initial healing stage. Once you have started healing well and have passed the sore and tender stage, you may be able to shift to cleaning once a day. However, you should still make sure the area isn’t contaminated!

A simple saline solution is all you need in order to clean your piercing site. The cleaning solution helps break up crust inside of the nose and around the piercing while also disinfecting the area; you should make sure to gently shift your jewelry around in order to give it a full clean. Saline solutions can typically be purchased directly from your piercer, so don’t forget to ask about it before you leave!

Second, no matter how tempting it is, try to avoid touching your nose or the piercing inside of it. Do not change jewelry for the first part of your healing process, as this can put you at risk of infection or other complications. Too much movement could irritate or rip the septum tissue.

Many people like septum piercings because they can be hidden easily. While it’s alright to flip your septum jewelry inside your nose on occasion, just try to avoid doing it too often.

You should try to stick to certain high-quality metals or similar materials for jewelry, especially during your initial healing phases. Low-quality jewelry can make you more likely to develop an infection or similar complication. Remember not to change from your initial jewelry until at least the second stage of your healing process!

Finally, try to stay healthy overall! Your piercing is technically a fresh wound and should be treated as such. The better you take care of your body as your piercing heals, the quicker the healing process will take!

Signs Your Piercing is Infected and When to See a Doctor

Your first clear sign that your piercing is infected is pain around the piercing site. Any tenderness or soreness lasting longer than a few weeks could indicate issues in the healing process; pay close attention to any pain you’re experiencing and visit a doctor if it continues or gets worse.

Inflammation and swelling are other signs of a possible infection. This may be harder to notice since the piercing is on the inside of your nose. However, if you do notice that it’s harder to breathe through your nose or that your nostrils seem red, you may have an infection.

Fevers are a general indicator of infection in the body. If you start feeling hot, achy, or feverish, then it’s time to get to a doctor right away! You likely have a serious infection that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.

Finally, if you notice blood or pus coming out of your nose, you may have a piercing infection. Pus can gather in and around the infected site and eventually leak out of one or both nostrils; blood can build up alongside the pus, leading to a leaking nose. Visit a doctor immediately if you notice any abnormal leaking from your nose.

If you are diagnosed with an infection, antibiotics can be used as a treatment. This could be oral antibiotics, creams, or ointments; it all depends on your doctor’s recommendations. If you notice any of these symptoms, especially following the initial sore and tender phase of the healing process, you should talk to your doctor about a possible infection.

Take Care of Your New Piercing

Now that you know the different stages in the septum piercing healing process, you can feel confident about getting your own septum piercing! Remember to always do your research when choosing a new piercer and keep an eye out for any potential complications. That way, you can make sure your piercing is done right.

Have you gotten a septum piercing or another similar type of piercing? What was your experience like? 

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